Sources of Strength

MODALITY: presentation

Become a Sources of Strength trainer and begin a program at your school or district by visiting the Getting Started page at Sources of Strength. There, you'll fill out a questionnaire and initiate a Discovery call with a team member.


Sources of Strength is a best practice youth suicide prevention project designed to harness the power of peer social networks to change unhealthy norms and culture, ultimately preventing suicide, bullying, and substance abuse. Sources of Strength is one of the first suicide prevention programs that uses Peer Leaders to enhance protective factors associated with reducing suicide at the school population level. Sources of Strength Peer Leaders are a diverse group of individuals who leverage their personal and collective leadership qualities as well as their social influence in leading the charge in norming and culture change campaigns using strength-based messages to impact multiple issues including suicide.

Rubric and Standards

Mental Health Literacy Components

Decreasing stigma

Understanding how to foster and maintain positive mental health

Understanding how to seek help effectively

Understanding mental health disorders and their treatments

High School Learning Standards

Advocate for reducing stigma associated with emotional and mental and behavioral health

Compare & contrast emotional, mental-behavioral illness, mental well-being and concurrent disorders

Describe how self-harm or suicide impacts other people

Describe laws related to minors accessing mental health care

Explain how to help someone who is thinking about attempting suicide

Identify school and community resources that can help a person with emotional, mental and behavioral health concerns


Program Material Cost

$5,000 1st year, $500 for subsequent years


Classroom Presentation


Teacher PD, Online, small-assembly (roughly 10% of school)

Grade Level(s)





Publication Types

2 Peer-Reviewed Publications

Study Types

2 Randomized Control Trials

Study Samples

Countries: Australia, US Sample Sizes: 2,675 and 3,730 Students Grade Levels: 9th to 12th Grade

Major Findings

Training improved the peer leaders’ adaptive norms regarding suicide, their connectedness to adults, and their school engagement. Trained peer leaders in larger schools were 4 times as likely to refer a suicidal friend to an adult. Among students, the intervention increased perceptions of adult support for suicidal youths and the acceptability of seeking help.

Published Studies