Your Teacher’s Resource Providing Easy Access to Mental Health Curricula and Programs for Delivery to Students

About Mental Health

This website is a non-commercial endeavor to help bring Mental Health Education to schools across the United States and beyond. As a society, we have now agreed physical health and mental health are not separate within healthcare and efforts are underway to bring parity between the two healthcare realms. With that, we seek to bring the same parity to education and create a world where Physical Health and Mental Health curricula are taught hand in hand.

Teenagers in a classroom
Our Vision

Where every struggling youth is surrounded by peers equipped with a supportive and effective knowledge base

  • That all youth are equipped with comprehensive knowledge and resources in Mental Health.
  • To realize the rapid reduction and eventual elimination of Stigma, a reduction of suicide ideation and a speedier track to seeking care.
  • To enable a future where every struggling youth is surrounded by peers equipped with a supportive and effective knowledge base.
Our Mission

Providing schools with quick reference resources to mental health education

  • Offering implementation plans specific to each listing in aiding smooth, clear execution of curricula and program choices.
  • To provide a free library for all school staff that have interest in bringing Mental Health Education into their school.
  • Creating a comprehensive library that includes all mental health resources, ie. Social Emotional Learning, Mental Health Literacy, Substance Use Disorder education, Suicide Prevention programs and emerging Social Media & Mental Health programs.
Our Partnership

A non-profit endeavor of Chad’s Legacy Project with the support of the UW SMART Center

Chad’s Legacy Project values the expertise of the University of Washington SMART Center and it’s role as our educational expertise within this effort to aid teachers across the United States.

sponsors & acknowledgements

Thank You to Our Sponsors

This project could not be possible without our valued supporters. is committed to remaining a non-commercial endeavor. We seek to aid in making Mental Health Education widely and easily available to any school; urban, rural, resource-rich as well as under-served. We are eternally grateful to our past sponsors and invite you to consider sponsoring the ongoing efforts to grow and maintain this library.

Become a Sponsor
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for program developers

Submit a Program or Curriculum

If you represent a curriculum as a program developer and you would like to submit for inclusion into the library please contact us to request a program survey from the University of Washington SMART Center and we will begin efforts to add yours to

Request a Survey